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Over the last year the Friends of Balmoral Cemetery have been finding out more about how we can acknowledge the First World War veterans buried in unmarked graves at Balmoral Cemetery.

As part of the work of Friends of Balmoral Cemetery during the 100 year Remembrance activities for the First World War we have identified 45 veterans buried in unmarked graves at Balmoral Cemetery. In addition to this there are 22 veterans buried in formed graves where there is no identification ie a plaque or headstone identifying the soldier. There could be more.

PHASE 1 has been to apply for war graves for all these veterans.

To date we have made 22 applications and have had 13 approvals. Three of these applications are still being considered and two are being reviewed. Four applications have been rejected.

Over the next few months, we will lodge applications for the remaining veterans.

PHASE 2: For those veterans who are rejected for a war grave (we have two already), we are developing a project provide a simple marking of these graves.

In Tasmania another “Headstone Project” has been successful in marking similar graves and in securing modest funding for similar activities in other cemeteries in Australia – we are in contact with the people behind this project.

Tackling this project is a big task so we expect that it will take several years. Each veteran’s story is also featured in Friends of Balmoral Cemetery’s (FOBC) publication After the Fire. To obtain a copy of this publication please contact:



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